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f(m) hist adj

См. также в других словарях:

  • hist- — hist(o) ♦ Élément, du gr. histos « tissu ». ⇒HIST(O) , HISTIO , (HIST , HISTO )élém. formant Élém. tiré du gr. « tissu » ou « voile, rideau » et entrant dans la constr. de mots sav. appartenant au domaine de la biol., à l exception de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • bhenĝh-, bhn̥ĝh- (adj. bhn̥ĝhu-s) —     bhenĝh , bhn̥ĝh (adj. bhn̥ĝhu s)     English meaning: thick, fat     Deutsche Übersetzung: “dick, dicht, feist”     Material: O.Ind. bahu “dense, rich, much, a lot of” “compounds Sup. baṁhīyas , baṁhišṭha (= Gk. παχύς); bahulá “thick,… …   Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary

  • liege — adj. & n. usu. hist. adj. (of a superior) entitled to receive or (of a vassal) bound to give feudal service or allegiance. n. 1 (in full liege lord) a feudal superior or sovereign. 2 (usu. in pl.) a vassal or subject. Etymology: ME f. OF lige,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Liege — adj. & n. usu. hist. adj. (of a superior) entitled to receive or (of a vassal) bound to give feudal service or allegiance. n. 1 (in full liege lord) a feudal superior or sovereign. 2 (usu. in pl.) a vassal or subject. Etymology: ME f. OF lige,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • patrial — adj. & n. Brit. hist. adj. having the right to live in the UK through the British birth of a parent or a grandparent. n. a person with this right. Derivatives: patriality n. Etymology: obs. F patrial or med.L patrialis f. L patria fatherland f.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • praetorian — adj. & n. (US pretorian) Rom.Hist. adj. of or having the powers of a praetor. n. a man of praetorian rank. Phrases and idioms: praetorian guard the bodyguard of the Roman emperor. Etymology: ME f. L praetorianus (as PRAETOR) …   Useful english dictionary

  • Praetorian — adj. & n. (US pretorian) Rom.Hist. adj. of or having the powers of a praetor. n. a man of praetorian rank. Phrases and idioms: praetorian guard the bodyguard of the Roman emperor. Etymology: ME f. L praetorianus (as PRAETOR) …   Useful english dictionary

  • Tudor — adj. & n. hist. adj. 1 of, characteristic of, or associated with the royal family of England ruling 1485 1603 or this period. 2 of or relating to the architectural style of this period, esp. with half timbering and elaborately decorated houses. n …   Useful english dictionary

  • predial — adj. & n. hist. adj. 1 a of land or farms. b rural, agrarian. c (of a slave, tenant, etc.) attached to farms or the land. 2 (of a tithe) consisting of agricultural produce. n. a predial slave. Etymology: med.L praedialis f. L praedium farm …   Useful english dictionary

  • premonstratensian — adj. & n. hist. adj. of or relating to an order of regular canons founded at Preacutemontreacute in France in 1120, or of the corresponding order of nuns. n. a member of either of these orders. Etymology: med.L Praemonstratensis f. Praemonstratus …   Useful english dictionary

  • ce — 2. ce [ sə ] ( c devant en, et les formes du v. être commençant par une voyelle; ç devant a) pron. dém. • çoXe; lat. pop. ecce hoc, de hoc « ceci » ♦ Sert à désigner la chose que la personne qui parle montre …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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